Kristen HarperVisionary

kristen harper
areas of expertise
  • Curriculum development
  • Community needs assessment
  • Training and technical assistance
  • Program evaluation
  • Legislative advocacy support
  • M.Ed, Mercer University

Kristen was previously the Executive Director of Recovery Communities of North Carolina; a nonprofit, recovery community organization, devoted to the promotion of addiction recovery, wellness and citizenship through advocacy, education and support in North Carolina. In 2013-2017, Kristen had the great fortune to be the first, full-time Executive Director for the Association of Recovery Schools (ARS), where she assisted in the creation, sustainability and accreditation of recovery high schools across the country. As the Collegiate Recovery Community Replication Coordinator for Texas Tech University’s Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery from 2011-2013, Kristen provided technical assistance to over 80 universities seeking to create and manage collegiate recovery programs in all regions of the country.

Recovery is a team sport. Together we can do anything we previously thought impossible.

Kristen founded the Center for Addiction Recovery at Georgia Southern University in 2008 within the College of Public Health. She subsequently became involved with Recovery Africa, a nongovernmental organization that strives to create recovery supports to communities in Africa. Kristen traveled to Ghana, West Africa several times to provide technical assistance to the emerging recovery community. She accepted the invitation to join the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services National Advisory Council (CSAT) in 2016. As a person living in long-term recovery, she has dedicated her life to helping others access recovery support services, locally, nationally and internationally.

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    VFR has been invaluable in helping Oregon execute a statewide strategic plan for addiction and recovery. Implementing a statewide strategy for tracking recovery prevalence will help us serve those that need us most.

    Oregon Recovers
    Brent Canode, Co-Founder

    Gaining the ability to evaluate the ARHE and S.A.F.E. Project leadership academy has been instrumental in growing the program. Our stakeholders have access to meaningful metrics and know exactly how our participants are progressing!

    ARHE Leadership Academy
    Executive Director, Tim Rabolt

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