Austin BrownVisionary

- Independent research
- Strategic planning
- Program evaluation
- MSW, University of Vermont
Austin is a graduate of The University of Vermont, and a Texas Tech Alumni. He holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work from UVM and a BA from Texas Tech in Psychology, with a focus in Addiction Studies. Mr. Brown served previously as the Coordinator and Research Consultant at the Catamount Recovery Program at the University of Vermont.
Basing programs in sound theory and evidence is the way to success
Austin utilizes both established and theoretical addiction and recovery constructs that are informed by broad-based biopsychosocial theories in order to unify, test, and explore addiction and recovery conceptualization and the practical application in research and clinical practices. Mr. Brown is currently working on research initiatives to enhance, inform, and evolve the vision of the CYAAR, collegiate recovery programs, and affiliated recovery support systems. Mr. Brown has served on the Association for Recovery in Higher Education board. While on the board, Mr. Brown headed a national research panel and continues to collaborate with researchers in ongoing national research initiatives.
selected publications
Ashford, R. D., Meeks, M., Curtis, B., & Brown, A. (In Press). Utilization of Peer-based Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Interventions in Rural Emergency Departments: A Preliminary Evaluation. Journal of Rural Mental Health. |
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A., & Curtis, B. (In Press). Expanding Language Choices to Reduce Stigma: A Delphi Study of Positive and Negative Terms in Substance Use and Recovery. Health Education. |
Ashford, R. D., Brown A., Brown, T., Callis, J., Cleveland, H. H., Eisenhart, E., … Whitney, J. (In Press). Defining and Operationalizing the Phenomena of Recovery: A Working Definition from the Recovery Science Research Collaborative. Addiction Research and Theory. |
Ashford, R. D., Curtis, B., & Brown, A. (2018). Peer Delivered Harm Reduction and Recovery Support Services: Initial Evaluation from a Hybrid Recovery Community Drop-In Center and Syringe Exchange Program. Harm Reduction Journal. |
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., & Curtis, B. (2018). “Substance Use, Recovery, and Linguistics: The Impact of Word Choice on Explicit and Implicit Bias. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 189, 131–138. |
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A., & Curtis, B. (2018). Systemic Barriers in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: A Prospective Qualitative Study of Professionals in the Field. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 189, 62–69. |
Ashford, R.D, Brown, A., & Curtis, B. (2018). The Language of Substance Use and Recovery: Novel Use of the Go/No Go Association Task to Measure Implicit Bias. Health Communication, 1-7. |
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., & Curtis, B. (2018). “Abusing Addiction”: Our Language Still Isn’t Good Enough. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. |
Ashford, R. D., Wheeler, B., & Brown, A. M. (2018). Collegiate Recovery Programs and Disordered Eating: Exploring Subclinical Behaviors Among Students in Recovery. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 1–10. |
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