Legislative action for mandated recovery set asidesImplementing legislation for a mandated recovery set aside
Federal funding passed through state single state authorities has several mandated set asides, including prevention. In Oregon, a statewide advocacy group wanted to ensure recovery was part of the equation.
This multi-phase policy and legislative effort had our team of visionaries as part of the process from start to finish. Beginning with an assessment of allowed activities and regulations for block grant funding, we provided a framework and path forward for a recovery set aside to become a reality.
While prevention and performance based contracting often has its own set aside, recovery supports never have. Proposing state legislation to change this required an understanding of the current SAPT block grants and previous attempts to modify the regulations. Our team addressed three critical issues in this project:
- Are recovery supports allowable expenses under the SAPT:
Beginning with regulatory analysis, we provided a policy brief of all allowable activities under SAPT block grant provisions, including recovery support services. From there, we identified several states already funding recovery support services with block grant dollars, though not via a mandated set aside.
- Implement a framework based off research and analysis:
With research and analysis complete, we designed a set aside framework and potential legislative language complying with federal regulations and strategies from states using block grant dollars to fund recovery support services in the past. The framework contained four key elements: legal guidelines, peer examples, opportunities, return on investment.
- Design a path forward strategy with the best chances of success:
With a framework in place, we designed multi-stakeholder communication materials to translate the possibility and benefits of a recovery set aside. A multi-stage strategy comprised of education, community engagement, and lobbying was designed to help guide the project forward.
While this project is on-going, immediate results were positive and paved the way for future legislative action:
- Client received $800,000 set aside from SOR federal grant dollars for recovery support projects
- Identified key legislative stakeholders with buy-in to the proposal bill
- Received support from the single state agency to include on-going funding for recovery support services even if a set aside was not in place